Household mold is one of the most common problems homeowners encounter, yet many myths and misunderstandings surround the issue. If you find mold in your home or business, it’s important to have accurate information so that you know exactly what you’re dealing with and how to properly fix it. Here’s the truth behind these common misconceptions about mold.
Misconception 1: Bleach Kills Mold
Using chlorine bleach to kill mold is actually one of the worst things you can do when you’re trying to get rid of mold. The popular remedy of spraying mold with bleach to kill the mold demonstrates one of the most common misconceptions about mold. Mold is a type of fungus that thrives on moisture and reproduces through lightweight spores that travel through the air. The inhalation of mold spores can make even a healthy person sick. Bleach only removes the color from mold and agitates it. The mold is an organism trying to survive, so in an effort to survive, it releases more spores into the air, making the problem even worse than before. Mold also spreads roots called mycelia and hyphae deep into porous surfaces where bleach can’t reach, and the mold will just resurface after it’s been treated with bleach. Therefore, simply spraying a bleach solution on a surface won’t kill mold spores at their roots.
Misconception 2: Only Toxic Black Mold is Dangerous
Toxic black mold, scientifically known as Stachybotrys, is the most notorious type of mold. It can cause severe health concerns such as immune system failure, mental impairment, damage to internal organs, respiratory problems, and even death. However, all three categories of mold—toxic, allergenic, and pathogenic—come with their own health concerns. Allergenic molds such as Cladosporium can cause headaches, joint aches, respiratory issues, dizziness, congestion, rashes and more.Pathogenic molds such as Aspergillus and Penicillium can cause disease. The mycotoxins released from these molds have been connected to dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
No matter what kind of mold you find in your home, it’s important to address the issue as quickly as possible to avoid any potential health concerns. Fortunately, Mold Zero can handle any and every type of mold you may find in your home.
Misconception 3: Your Home Should Be Completely Mold-Free
Mold is a microscopic, naturally occurring fungi, which means removing all the mold in your home is nearly impossible. Rather, the point of a professional dead mold removal service is to get the mold back to a level that’s safe and healthy for you and your family. Standard mold levels exist for people’s safety, but everyone reacts differently to various kinds of mold. This is why your best bet is to hire a professional mold inspector to determine whether the mold in your home is at a harmless level.
Mold Zero can ensure your property returns to and stays at a safe, healthy level. Our professional mold removal services address the issue of mold in your home so that you can return to a normal life as quickly and efficiently as possible.
To really know, schedule a free mold removal estimate today! 727-900-7202.